Five Things #142

Every Tuesday I share five things I've liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s Five Things…

  1. You've probably heard the BBC news theme before. Here's a short glimpse of the musicians behind the music! And here's another video explaining how the theme was made.

  2. A great video from Kurzgesagt explaining the origins of consciousness. Is there anything they can't explain?

  3. Seth Godin on the trap of early feedback.

  4. This is very cool and clever. Scroll down to see the photos. Technology these days! — Bringing black and white photos to life using

  5. I'd forgotten how much I love this song, The Grass by the Roses by Girls in Airports. I could listen to it on a loop all day.

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed it, sign up to my newsletter and you'll get the next one delivered to your inbox.