R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys | Drum Transcription Notes


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This transcription was originally published on 24/6/20. It was updated on 10/3/21 to include a drum legend.

The grooves throughout this Arctic Monkeys classic are straight forward, but some of the fills are fairly intricate and fast — so watch out for those!

A few notes on the transcription:

  • I’ve transcribed this for a four-piece kit. It sounds like Matt Helders might have an extra low tom on the recording. He also uses a crash-ride. As most of my students don’t have one, I’ve transcribed the middle 8 and outro on the crash, and the final chorus on the ride. If you have a crash-ride, you can play all of those sections on that instead.

  • The floating comma symbol than follows some of the crashes means that they are choked crashes (quickly grab the cymbal after it has been hit).

  • The “o+” above the last hi-hat in bar 41 means to open and very quickly shut the hi-hat again.

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👉 How I Write Drum Notation