Mr. Brightside - The Killers | Drum Transcription Notes


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This transcription was originally published on 15/6/20. It was updated on 21/6/21 to include a drum legend.

Ronnie Vannucci Jr’s drumming on Mr. Brightside can be summed up in a word — frantic! And given the speed of the song, it’s not one for the faint hearted.

There are parts of the song where you’ll be able to hear multiple drum parts — extra cymbals etc. So this transcription is an interpretation of the recording. Use your judgement and use the transcription as a guide. Deviate as you please. If you watch live videos of Ronnie playing, he rarely plays a song the same way twice anyway!

A couple of things to watch for:

  • Take your time when learning the verse groove. The open hi-hats and accents are technically difficult, especially at 148 bpm. Focus on how you play them before attempting to push the speed.

  • From bars 113-116 of the transcription you’ll see a snare roll. On the recording you’ll hear a snare roll as well as hi-hats and bass drums like in the previous bars. The roll is probably over-dubbed on the record, so to create a similar effect I’ve added splashed hi-hats played with the left foot throughout the roll. Difficult to play, but sounds good if you can get it up to speed!

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👉 How I Write Drum Notation